Check if jQuery is hidden true or false

I have this

$('#div').attr("hidden", true);


I tried:

var a = $('#div').attr("hidden");
var b = $('#div').attr("hidden").val();
var c = $('#div').hidden;
var a = $('#div').disabled;


I just want to know if the hidden is true or false. somebody knows? my research results relate to shapes and materials.


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3 answers

the attribute will never be true

, it can only have strings.
 jQuery has functions data

for objects other than strings:

$('#div').data("hidden", true);      // set the "hidden" data
var flag = $('#div').data("hidden"); // get the "hidden" data (true)


If you want to hide div

, use .hide()




And you check if the div is displayed with :visible


$('#div').is(':visible'); // Or $('#div').is(':hidden')




I think you mean jquery visible





Alternatively, you can use



where showOrHide is bool true to false to hide or show.

This is the same thing to do

if ( showOrHide == true ) {
} else if ( showOrHide == false ) {


Hope it helps



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