InputStream is null

In the program I am working on, I have

String cwd;
String file_separator;

public ConfigLoader()
    cwd = get_cwd();
    file_separator = get_file_separator();

        Properties c = new Properties();

        InputStream in = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(cwd + 
            file_separator + "data" + file_separator + "");

    except (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

public String get_file_separator()
    File f = new File("");
    return f.separator;

public String get_cwd()
    File cwd = new File("");
    return cwd.getAbsolutePath();


For some reason, c.load(in);

calls a NullPointerException

. The exception is in == NULL

being true. I can't figure out why because

System.out.println(cwd + file_separator + "data" + file_separator +





which is the location of the file I want to use.



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is designed to find files in the classpath, not to access the local file system. You will need to use FileInputStream

for this case.

InputStream in = new FileInputStream(cwd + 
    file_separator + "data" + file_separator + "");




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