Joomla 2.5 - Login without password

I am creating a custom joomla component and am looking into how I can establish a login session without using an account password. I already have it:

$app = &JFactory::getApplication('site');

$result = $app->login(array(

    'username' => 'james',
    'password' => 'password'



Which clearly requires the users' password. I have access to the user id and username so that any of these grips can be used. Is there another object or method that I can use to log the user into the system, or is there some custom solution that I can use, such as manually setting all the required $ _SESSION variables?

Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated :)


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2 answers

IMPORTANT: you need to add the session object after // Register the required session variables

// Register the needed session variables
$session =& JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('user', $jUser);


Excellent thank you



//log user in
    $email = (string)$response['linkedin']->{'email-address'};

    $db = JFactory::getDbo();
    $app = JFactory::getApplication();

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users WHERE email = " . $db->quote($email);
    $result = $db->loadObject();

            $jUser = JFactory::getUser($result->id);
            //$userarray = array();
            //$userarray['username'] = $jUser->username;
            //$userarray['password'] = $jUser->password;

            $instance = $jUser;     
            $instance->set('guest', 0);

            // Register the needed session variables
            $session =& JFactory::getSession();

            // Check to see the the session already exists.                        

            // Update the user related fields for the Joomla sessions table.
                    'UPDATE '.$db->quoteName('#__session') .
                    ' SET '.$db->quoteName('guest').' = '.$db->quote($instance->get('guest')).',' .
                    '   '.$db->quoteName('username').' = '.$db->quote($instance->get('username')).',' .
                    '   '.$db->quoteName('userid').' = '.(int) $instance->get('id') .
                    ' WHERE '.$db->quoteName('session_id').' = '.$db->quote($session->getId())

            // Hit the user last visit field

            //return true;


            $url = "index.php?option=com_community&view=register";
            $app->redirect($url,'We did not find your email address in our system. Please register.');
            //echo "redirect to registration page";

            //$url = 'index.php?option=com_users&view=registration&name=' . $user_profile['name'] . '&username=' . $user_profile['username'] . '&email=' . $user_profile['email'];
            //$url = JRoute::_($url);





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