JQuery autocomplete timeout

For some reason, the ajax requests I make on the website, I am working on aborting for half the time. This is resolved when I set a timeout for the ajax request as shown below.

    url: "/question/why_wont_it_work",
    timeout : 1000,
    success: function(){ /*do stuff*/ }


Unfortunately fixing the timeout doesn't seem to work with jquery autocomplete. I use it like this:

$( "#questionTags" ).autocomplete({
    source: "/question/tags",
    timeout: 1000,
    select: function(event, ui) { /*do stuff*/ },


I checked the jQueryUI documentation on the website and didn't see a timeout there. Now this is pretty annoying since half of my request will be canceled and I won't get the results I want. Is there a way to get around this?

Thanks in advance.


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3 answers

You can provide an arbitrary function to a parameter source

. This way you can manually execute the AJAX request and provide the parameter timeout


var xhr = null; /* To prevent multiple calls from happening while one is in progress */
    source: function (request, response) {
        if (!xhr) {
            xhr = $.ajax({
                url: "/question/tags",
                timeout: 20000,
                data: request,
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (data) {
                     xhr = null;
                error: function () {
    select: function(event, ui) { /*do stuff*/ },


But me with @El Ronnoco , you probably want to seriously speed up your request. 20 seconds is a long wait.



If source

is a string, jQuery autocomplete does the code shown below to load the data, so it doesn't set a timeout.

You can set the timeout globally using ajaxSetup like this:

    timeout: 20000,


But it will affect all your ajax requests.

Code from jquery.ui.autocomplete.js :: _initSource

self.xhr = $.ajax({
    url: url,
    data: request,
    dataType: "json",
    context: {
        autocompleteRequest: ++requestIndex
    success: function( data, status ) {
        if ( this.autocompleteRequest === requestIndex ) {
            response( data );
    error: function() {
        if ( this.autocompleteRequest === requestIndex ) {
            response( [] );




        delay: 2000




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