Timeout in JQuery $ .post by emulating $ .ajax

How can we emulate a timeout $.ajax

using $.post



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1 answer


is a pre-installed version $.ajax

, so several parameters are already set.

Essentially, a $.POST


  type: 'POST',
  url: url,
  data: data,
  success: success,
  dataType: dataType


But you can create your own submit function to send the request through $.ajax

at last.

Here is a custom POST plugin that I just coded.

(function( $ ){
  $.myPOST = function( url, data, success, timeout ) {      
    var settings = {
      type : "POST", //predefine request type to POST
      'url'  : url,
      'data' : data,
      'success' : success,
      'timeout' : timeout
})( jQuery );


The custom POST function is now ready


      'data' : 'value'
    function(data) { },
    5000 // this is the timeout   


Enjoy :)



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