How do I force Chrome to use the correct autocomplete information?

Is there any way to dictate to the browser what fields the autocomplete contains?

I am a developer working on an e-commerce website. What I ask is: Right now we have a check where users enter their basic information (name, email, phone), and then a zip / postcode field to look up an address, and then a full set of address fields (company, address, Address bar 2, City, Region, Country and Zip / Postcode).

Now, I know that the browser has all the information in it for the country, city, etc. However, when I call autocomplete, the following happens:

  • Name, email address and phone number are complete
  • Autocomplete zip code field is populated with zip code
  • The address bar is filled
  • None of the other fields are completed

Secondly, I know that I have credit card information stored in my browser, but autocomplete is not pulling that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have searched on Google, but obviously my google-fu is weak as most of the results I find are just user-centric - how to add my url and enable a feature in chrome - not how to create a site so chrome knows where to put the information. ...


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1 answer

It can be controlled with the "x-autocompletetype" attribute. Take a look at this:



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