C ++ static method with struct parameters

I have this problem ...

I have my structure:

typedef struct Mystruct{
  float a;
  float b;


and a static method:

float static MyStaticMethod(MyStruct a, MyStruct b);


when i call this method:

Mystruct s;
s.a = 1;
s.b = 2;

Mystruct t;
t.a = 1;
t.b = 2;



I have this compile-time error:

Error   51  error C2228: left of '.MyStaticMethod' must have class/struct/union

Error   50  error C2275: 'MyClass' : illegal use of this type as an expression



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3 answers

You need to call it using the scope resolution operator:





besides using "MyClass :: MyStaticMethod (s, t);", you can also call a static method on an instance:

MyClass instance;


and it should read:

typedef struct {
  float a;
  float b;
} Mystruct;


(new name starts last)



The keyword is static

overloaded in C ++ (i.e. has multiple meanings). In the code you presented:

struct MyStruct {
static float MyStaticFunction( MyStruct, MyStruct );


the value static

is an internal linkage (i.e. the character will not be used outside the current translation unit. If this is present in the header, then each includes a translation unit which will receive its own copy of the function. in this case the free function function is used :

MyStruct a,b;
float f = MyStaticFunction( a, b );


It seems from trying to use it what you meant was using static

in this alternate scenario:

struct MyStruct {
   static float MyStaticFunction( MyStruct, MyStruct );


where it has a different meaning: the member belongs to the class, not a specific instance. In this case, the function can be called in one of two ways, the most common being:

MyStruct a,b;
float f = MyStruct::MyStaticFunction( a, b );


although the language also allows (I would not recommend using it, it can be confusing):

float f a.MyStaticFunction(a,b);


If confusion arises because it is like calling a member function on a

rather than calling a static member function in a class.



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