Login failed for user "xxx" Could not open explicitly specified database solution

First I use the entity structure code. When the application starts, the application tries to create a database on SQLServer2008R2.

The error message I am getting:

"Login failed for user" NT instans \ Networkservice "Could not open explicitly specified database

After looking more closely at the problem in the SQLServer log, I see that error code: 18456 severity 14 with status 38. Read about it: http://sql-articles.com/articles/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-login-failed-error-18456/

Anyone have an idea how to fix this problem?


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2 answers

I just thought I'd put the solution here, which I found after spending too much time between two programmers: delete the file .suo

. I understand that the initial question was asked 18 months ago, but it might save someone who will face this question in the future.

We tried to install different versions of Visual Studio by removing the localdb instances, logging in as SA, everything.



I ran into very similar issues today in a Web API project in VS 2015. I did a clean operation on my C # Web API project from a solution developer and it just worked. It was completely insane. The same credentials (configured in my project's web.config file) were working for the day and it suddenly stops working where not.

Many other posts, including this one, suggest deleting * .suo files, but I believe Visual Studio no longer creates * .suo files. I haven't seen them, at least not in my VS 2015 environment.



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