Overflow and overflow C ++

Hi I'm new here, so please let me know if something is wrong and I will try to improve next time.

I am trying to understand how underflow and overflow works in C ++. We understand that if the range of variables is exceeded, it will start at the other end of the range. So if the minimum is short -32768, and if we do -1, then the new value should be SHRT_MAX. (32767) Here is my code:

int main ( void )
 int testpositive =INT_MIN ;
 short testnegative = SHRT_MIN ; 
 cout<< SHRT_MIN<<"\n";
 cout << testnegative-1<<"\n";
 cout << INT_MIN << "\n";
 cout << testpositive-1 << "\n"; 
 return 0;



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4 answers

The exact overflow / downgrade behavior is specified for types only unsigned

. For normal signed integer types, instead, the C ++ standard simply says anything can happen.

If we are talking about an x86 processor (or most other modern processors), indeed, the behavior is exactly what you describe, and for the CPU there is no difference between a signed or unsigned value (there are signed and unsigned operations, but the values ​​themselves just bits).

Note that compilers may assume (and most modern optimizing compilers MUST indeed assume) that signed integer overflows cannot occur in a valid program, for example in code like the following:

int do_something();
int do_something_else();

void foo() {
    int x = do_something();
    int y = x + 1;
    if (x < y) {
    } else {


the compiler may skip the test and branch entirely else

in the generated code, because in a valid program the signed int is x

always less than x+1

(since signed overflow cannot be considered valid behavior) .If you replace int

with unsigned int

, however, the compiler has to generate code for the test, and for the else branch, since for unsigned types it is possible that x > x+1


For example, clang compiles code foo


foo():                                # @foo()
        push    rax
        call    do_something()
        pop     rax
        jmp     do_something()       # TAILCALL


where you can see that the ode just calls do_something

twice (except for the weird handling rax

) and there do_something_else

is really no mention of it. More or less the same code is generated gcc




Usually yes. But since this is C ++ and C ++ is governed by the C ++ standard, you should be aware that overflow is undefined behavior .

While what you stated probably applies on most platforms, it is not guaranteed in any way, so do not rely on it.



The new value must not be SHRT_MAX




Signed overflows are undefined behavior in C ++.

For example:



- expressions causing undefined behavior.


and is -SHRT_MIN

not undefined behavior in a 16-bit short

and 32-bit environment int

, because with integer shares, the operand is first promoted to int

. In a 16-bit environment short

, int

these expressions are undefined as well.



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