Serving files from the Tomcat context

I have a web application deployed in Tomcat 6 as a WAR file. Inside the application, I would like to serve files in a directory from this context. For example, I am deploying myapp.war

to /mydir/webapps

, and I access my application via:



I would like to serve files via:



How can i do this? So far, I can serve files outside of the application context:



with files located in /mydir/webapps/files

, not in a directory /mydir/webapps/myapp/files



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2 answers

Use a subcontext pointing to an external directory.

Based on the paths in your example, you want to add the following file: $ CATALINA_BASE / <enginename> / <hostname> /myapp#files.xml (usually $ CATALINA_BASE / Catalina / localhost / myapp # files.xml

with the following content

<Context docBase="/mydir/webapps/files" />


Please note that the / mydir / webapps / files file must be located outside of any HostBase host where autoDeploy is enabled for safe operation.



Have you installed <display-name>myapp</display-name>

in your / mydir / webapps / myapp / META-INF / web.xml?



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