JSON response format with \

I am trying to format the json response as such:

    "id": "23029",
    "label": "F:\path\to\file\filename.txt",
    "value": "filename.txt"
    "id": "23030",
    "label": "F:\path\to\file\filename.txt",
    "value": "filename.txt"
    "id": "23031",
    "label": "F:\path\to\file\filename.txt",
    "value": "filename.txt"



but according to JSONLint , \ breaks the "structure"? If I replace \ with | it works so i know the problem is \. I am using the answer in jQuery Autocomplete .

Should I use SerializeJSON () instead? If so, do I need to change something in the autocomplete ajax script?

$(function() {
    var cache = {},
    $( "#media" ).autocomplete({
        minLength: 2,
        source: function( request, response ) {
            var term = request.term;
            if ( term in cache ) {
                response( cache[ term ] );

            lastXhr = $.getJSON( "ajax/search.cfm", request, function( data, status, xhr ) {
                cache[ term ] = data;
                if ( xhr === lastXhr ) {
                    response( data );



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3 answers


is an escape character and must be escaped itself if it is part of the content.

So, the line JSON

should like it before the client receives it:

        "id": "23029",
        "label": "F:\\path\\to\\file\\filename.txt",
        "value": "filename.txt"
        "id": "23030",
        "label": "F:\\path\\to\\file\\filename.txt",
        "value": "filename.txt"
        "id": "23031",
        "label": "F:\\path\\to\\file\\filename.txt",
        "value": "filename.txt"




Have you tried avoiding the backslash?

"id": "23030",
"label": "F:\\path\\to\\file\\filename.ext",
"value": "filename.txt"




While other respondents have pointed out that you should avoid backslashes, if you will be using serializeJSON () it will take care of this speedup for you.



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