Inconsistent behavior regarding displaying properties using: svn log --with-all-revprops --xml [URL]

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to read this and possibly comment on it.


After setting a custom SVN property in a file and committing, I cannot get the "svn log" command with various options to display the property after I commit it. I followed this example from the SVN reference to no avail (search section).

My Wednesday

Server: I'm using a 32-bit SubVersion server version 1.6.15 running on 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2

Client: TortoiseSVN 1.6.16 runs on Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit.

A repo is a test repo with no hooks available.

My script

After setting a custom property named active-projects in a file named test.txt and committing this change to the repository, I try the following:

svn log --with-all-revprops --xml [url_to_test.txt]


Using -with-all-revprops should show me my custom property, but alas, the above returned valid XML information, but did not include the revprops element with a property called active-projects and its corresponding cost.

Trying the following in the local directory containing test.txt gave the same results as above:

svn log --with-all-revprops --xml test.txt


Interestingly, I can see the specified property in this file at this url through my repo browser. If I execute the following in the local directory containing test.txt, the property value is returned as expected:

svn propget active-projects test.txt



So, any ideas why I can't find my valuable property of active projects with the svn log command using either a url or a local path? I may have misunderstood this concept or missed some important server configuration. Your understanding is appreciated.


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1 answer

You are misleading revision properties and regular properties . Revision properties are set for the entire revision and apply only to that revision (they are not returned), regular properties are set for each item (directory / file) and versioned (i.e. if you change them, they will still be used for earlier versions element, they can be distinguished, etc.).

You have set an item property, and it svn log --with-all-revprops

returns the revision properties, not the item properties.

Here's some more info from svn propset --help


$svn propset --help
propset (pset, ps): Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.
usage: 1. propset PROPNAME PROPVAL PATH...
       2. propset PROPNAME --revprop -r REV PROPVAL [TARGET]

1. Changes a versioned file or directory property in a working copy.
2. Changes an unversioned property on a repository revision.
 (TARGET only determines which repository to access.)


Hope this clears up the confusion.



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