Method equal to () priority

This is a question about how to implement the equals method when I need to find an instance of an object in a list, given the value that one of the instances of my has in its member.

I have an object where I have implemented equals:

class User {

    private String id;

    public User(id) { = id;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (!(obj instanceof User)) {
            return false;
        return ((User)obj).id.equals(;


Now, if I want to search for something in the List, I would do something like this:

public function userExists(String id) {
        List<Users> users = getAllUsers(); 
        return users.contains(new User(id));


But maybe this could be a better implementation?

class User {

    private String id;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (!(obj instanceof User)) {
            return false;
        if (obj instanceof String) {
            return ((String)obj).equals(;
        return ((User)obj).id.equals(;


Instead of this:

public function userExists(String id) {
    List<Users> users = getAllUsers(); 
    return users.contains(id);



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5 answers

Don't override equals for things that aren't mathematically equal.

You might think this is a good idea.

User bob = new User("Bob");
if (bob.equals("Bob")) {


but that rarely happens. Do you want all equivalent watchdog codes to get confused when they Strings

are equal " Users


If you need a search method please write it

class User {

    private String id;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof User) {
            User other = (User)obj;
            if (id.equals( {
              return true;
        return false;

    public String getId() {
        return id;



Then the code elsewhere maintains the quick lookup table.

Map<String, User> idTable = new HashMap<String, User>();
User bob = new User("Bob");
idTable.put(bob.getId(), bob);

public User findUser(String id) {
  return idTable.get(id);


Note that this doesn't mess with the equals implementation, so you can now safely have Sets

from Users

, Lists

of Users

, etc. all without worrying that the String will somehow pollute the works.

Now if you can't find a good place to maintain Map

of Users

indexed them id

you can always use the slower solutionIterator

List<User> users = new List<User>();
users.add(new User("Bob"));
users.add(new User("Steve"));
users.ass(new User("Ann"));

public User findUser(String id) {
  Iterator<User> index = users.iterator();
  while (index.hasNext()) {
    User user =;
    if (id.equals(user.getId())) {
      return user;
  return null;




Doing this second way is dangerous because it violates the symmetric property of equality.

Java expects implementations to equals()

be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. The second implementation breaks symmetry: if you compare User

with String

representing its id, you get true

, but if you compare a string with the user, you get false




First, your second implementation is functionally equivalent to the first, because an instance is String

not an instance User

, and the first statement return

will close it before checking for String


What I mean,

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof User)) { // This will execute if obj is a String
        return false;
    if (obj instanceof String) {
        // Never executes, because if obj is a String, we already
        // returned false above
        return ((String)obj).equals(;
    return ((User)obj).id.equals(;


So, for the remainder of the answer, I'll assume what was meant by

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if ( obj == null ) return false; // Add a null check for good measure.
    if (!(obj instanceof User)) {
        if (obj instanceof String) {
            // Now we're checking for a String only if it isn't a User.
            return ((String)obj).equals(;
        return false;
    return ((User)obj).id.equals(;


We now get to the real problem.

An implementation equals

that returns -to- true

for comparison is bad practice because it is expected to be symmetric ( if and only if ). And since it can never equal a , a should never equal .User











Don't forget to override Object.hashCode () if you override Object.equals ().

Equal objects must have the same hashcodes, and you may run into problems with collections if you disobey the contract.



The second choice is very bad. This means that you are allowing the user to pass something other than User

in User.equals()

(ie, indeed Object.equals()

, when you are not actually trying to compare the String to the user. Thus, you are essentially breaking the contract of what you equals

should do.

Also, none of your answers handle checking for nulls.



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