IIS WebDeploy Export Package for Powershell Export

I am wondering how to create an "export server package" using powershell commands for IIS manager.

Here's my scenario: When I deploy our .NET (and Flex, etc.) software assemblies to our web server, I usually do the process manually: Open IIS Manager and follow the "Export Server" package wizard ( which creates a zip file of the entire IIS structure - content and that's it.) Then I zip this new zip file that was created (for backup purposes) The zip file is useful if our web server gets unresponsive or disappears in the "cloud"! The IIS zip file allows you to quickly "deploy".

My question is ... How can I export the server package using Powershell scripts (instead of manual)? I can't find much in this thread on the internet!

I've looked at MS Deploy verbs (as described here: http://raquila.com/software/ms-deploy-basics/ ) but I don't see it for "Export", verb / action ??

Any help is appreciated. My ultimate goal is to create a server package via powershell and upload to Amazon S3 cloud for secure storage. S3 cloud stuff is simple, it's powershell for IIS script I'm having trouble with ...


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2 answers

I don't see a great way to do this using PowerShell cmdlets. I would suggest using PowerShell to call appcmd to export the application settings and then grab a copy of the files in use. Then I would throw them into an S3 bucket, also via PowerShell.



Do you use anything to create artifacts (like bamboo or teamcity?). If you use AWS ToolKit directly from VisualStudio: http://aws.amazon.com/visualstudio/

For deployments: I would like to focus on getting artifacts to be migrated to S3 automatically (if at all possible). Once you get the artifacts in S3, work on your plan for reusing those artifacts. Are they for bootstrapping new instances / servers from S3? Are they backups for DR purposes?

For example, we build with Bamboo and inside Bamboo we can create a deployment plan with tasks to complete. One of them involves uploading to S3.

** Checkout the following powershell cmdlets: http://www.iis.net/learn/publish/using-web-deploy/web-deploy-powershell-cmdlets



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