How to quickly parse postgres database

I have a postgres database that I want to know about quick statistics. For example, which tables are taking up the most space? I don't need anything, I need the command line. What is a good tool for this?


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3 answers

The functions you want are here:

A quick query to find the top 20 tables in terms of space usage might look like this:

SELECT oid::regclass, pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(oid))
  FROM pg_class
  WHERE relkind = 'r'
  ORDER BY pg_total_relation_size(oid) DESC
  LIMIT 20;




From the psql client program, "\ l" will list the databases, add "+" to show sizes as well: "\ l +". In addition, "\ dt +" will give you information about the specific dimensions of the table.



Interest Ask. I think you can query information using psql. Here are some pointers. and -sql-select / .

Hope this helps.

Thank you, Shankar



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