Binary serialization of variable length data and zero length arrays, is it safe?

I've done some research but can't find any definite approval or disapproval.

I want it to be a fixed size + variable length structure so that serialization can be expressed in a simpler and less error prone way.

struct serialized_data
    int len;
    int type;
    char variable_length_text[0];


And then:

serialize_data buff = (serialize_data*)malloc(sizeof(serialize_data)+5);
memcpy(buff->variable_length_text, "abcd", 5);


Unfortunately, I cannot find if MSVC, GCC, CLang, etc. are supported.

Maybe there is a better way to achieve the same?

I really don't need these ugly casts:

memcpy((char*)(((char*)buffer)+sizeof(serialize_data)), "abcd", 5);



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1 answer

This program uses a zero-length array. It is not C, but a GNU extension.

A common idiom in C89 called struct hack was to use:

struct serialized_data
    int len;
    int type;
    char variable_length_text[1];


Unfortunately, its general use as a flexible array is not strictly appropriate.

C99 comes with something similar to doing the same thing: a function called a flexible array member. Here's an example straight from the Standard (C99,

struct s { int n; double d[]; };
int m = 12;  // some value
struct s *p = malloc(sizeof (struct s) + sizeof (double [m]));




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