Use Graph API Explorer to post a photo

My ultimate goal is to do this programmatically, but as a common sense test, I'm trying to just post an uploaded photo (from my computer) to a Facebook page using the Facebook API. I have token and photo_upload and publish_stream permissions.

I just don't understand what to do to indicate where the photo is. How can i do this?


source to share

3 answers

I don't think the Graph API parsing tool supports file uploads, so you won't be able to use it to inspect your uploads.

Facebook accepts a url parameter to load images - point to the full image url and Facebook should pick it up. Since it is just a string, you can use explorer to do this.

However, Facebook should come back with reasonable errors for uploading photos - I'd start coding instead of worrying about the explorer tool!



Use curl with the -F and "source =" flags and it should work. Here is a code snippet from one of our applications (we are building this curl command from PHP):

curl -F 'access_token=xxxxxx' -F 'source=@/path/to/image.jpg' 
-F 'message=' -F 'privacy={"value": "EVERYONE"}'




I was able to post images from the browser's Graph API using this !

Graphical Explorer Wiring Hope this helps.



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