JQuery event efficiency: bind one event to parent or separate events for each child?

I have a div with a huge number of child divs (about 4k-5k!). Each child has an event attached to it 'mousedown'

and 'mouseup'


Should I instead attach these events to the parent and select the child with $(e.target)

? Would there be some kind of performance advantage, and if so why?



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3 answers

I would imagine using jquery.on () would be ideal.



Where your html might look like:

  <!-- lots of other elements -->
  <div id="divWithHugeAmountsOfChildDiv">
    <!-- lots of different type of elements -->
    <div class="childCLASSEStoMouseDown">Booya?</div>
    <!-- lots of different type of elements -->
  <!-- lots of other elements -->


Changing jQuery selectors as needed ...

Why this is very well explained in the jQuery documentation for the method On




using jQuery .on()

already does this for you. It associates an event handler with a specific parent and detects child events. It has performance advantages .live()

and .bind()

as well as direct event binding, for example .click()

, etc., because:

  • as opposed to .live()

    which one binds the event to document

    , with using .on()

    you are responsible for which parent object is bound.

  • .live()

    is bound to document

    , which is the document root. the events that bubble up will move on. using .on()

    you can find the closest common parent to bind this event. the bubble will move less - performance advantage

  • c .on()

    , you only bind one handler to the parent, unlike .bind()

    and direct event bindings, which bind events on a per element basis - not suitable for a large number of elements.

  • .on()

    easier to remember.

  • when the target is reached inside .on()

    "this" is always the target element. never worry about cross-browser targets. jQuery does this for you.

so "this" in this code:

    //the value of "this" in here is the DOM element target of the event




With this many child divs, you should definitely use jQuery delegated event handling .on()

. This will give you one parent event handler instead of 4000 child event handlers. It will also be much faster to install and initialize.

If you are using a delegated form .on()

, you won't need to validate e.target

yourself as jQuery will do it for you.

The syntax to use .on()

this way is as follows:

$('parentSelector').on('mousedown', 'child selector', function(e) {
    // code here
    // "this" will be the object that initiated the event


More information in the jQuery doc for.on()




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