Printing text in row and column coordinates in Python?

I haven't found anything about this, but maybe because it's not possible. But is there a way to print text in coordinates in Python? For example, if I wanted to print the line "A" in the third and fifth columns of the command window, how could I do it? I've found ways to work around it and print two different lines at different coordinates using \ n for lines and repeating spaces for columns, but this is too tedious to write code.


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2 answers

It is possible. Curses is standard and documented here . There may be others, but they will do what you are looking for. In particular, it curses.getsyx()

might be what you need.



If you want to avoid the curses module, you can go to basics using ANSI escape sequences. A brief description of the respective cursor codes can be found here . This works right out of the box on Linux / Unix, for Windows you need the coloroma package .

For a nice cross-platform example using this technique for animation, see here .



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