Increase the strange error with the Firebreath

I found a very strange bug with Firebreath today. I tried to compile my project by running make

against my build directory. I got a huge result with big errors. I am trying to start a new project from scratch and I got the following errors:

alucard@hell ~/Documentos/sc/build
> make
[  1%] Built target FireBreath_Cmake
[  2%] Building CXX object boost/libs/thread/CMakeFiles/boost_thread.dir/src/tss_null.cpp.o
  In file included from /home/alucard/Documentos/sc/firebreath/src/3rdParty/boost/boost/thread/detail/platform.hpp:17:0,
             from /home/alucard/Documentos/sc/firebreath/src/3rdParty/boost/boost/thread/detail/config.hpp:20,
             from /home/alucard/Documentos/sc/firebreath/src/3rdParty/boost/libs/thread/src/tss_null.cpp:7:
   /home/alucard/Documentos/sc/firebreath/src/3rdParty/boost/boost/config/requires_threads.hpp:29:4: error: #error "Threading support unavaliable: it has been explicitly disabled with BOOST_DISABLE_THREADS"
  In file included from /home/alucard/Documentos/sc/firebreath/src/3rdParty/boost/boost/thread/detail/config.hpp:20:0,
             from /home/alucard/Documentos/sc/firebreath/src/3rdParty/boost/libs/thread/src/tss_null.cpp:7:
    /home/alucard/Documentos/sc/firebreath/src/3rdParty/boost/boost/thread/detail/platform.hpp:67:9: error: #error "Sorry, no boost threads are available for this platform."
make[2]:  [boost/libs/thread/CMakeFiles/boost_thread.dir/src/tss_null.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]:  [boost/libs/thread/CMakeFiles/boost_thread.dir/all] Error 2
make:  [all] Error 2


It seems to be a problem with my system, but if I try the following example, I don't get the error:

#include <boost/thread.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    return 0;


Compile with g++ test.cpp -pthread -lboost_thread


Any idea? Thanks in advanced.


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2 answers

To solve my problem, I have to do two things:

  • Applied this patch to my file libstdcpp3.hpp

    located in src/3rdParty/boost/boost/config/stdlib

  • Delete my build directory and run


Thanks @taxilian for the quick and helpful answer.



Try deleting the build directory and restarting; considering how many others use FireBreath without this problem, I can only guess that this is not a firebreath bug, so the error is most likely due to something corrupted in the build / directory.



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