Rating control in windows 8

I have seen the ratings control in the JavaScript / HTML Project for Windows 8. BUt I have not seen anything in XAML yet. :(

Any idea how to achieve rating control in Windows 8? ..

It looks like Microsoft is considering the XAML guys as second guys: (...


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3 answers

I ported an open source control to display star ratings from WPF.

Maybe you can start from there or find it useful.





There is also control over the ratings in Callisto


An example of a code that shows that 3 of our 5 stars are lit:

    Value="3" ItemCount="5"
    Background="Transparent" Foreground="Gold" />




Promotional project is good for user ratings in Windows / WP. I searched for more than a day and now I am happy to use and share promotions.

Regarding the App promo: The App Promo is a tiny management library for Windows Phone and Windows 8. It has a RateReminder slider to address scoring issues.

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