Perl syntax is not highlighted

I have Eclipse SDK version: 3.5.2 with EPIC 0.5.46 installed on Ubuntu Linux . I was writing Perl code that I could run / debug correctly. The syntax was always highlighted. I recently had to add one * .pl file to my project and debug it. However, for some reason, the code is not highlighted. What could be the reason for this behavior? I assumed there might be a problem with adding / importing new Eclipse / EPIC files into an existing project, but I'm not sure. Please be aware of even basic mistakes with Eclipse / EPIC configuration and project management as I'm new to this. Thank!


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2 answers

I seem to have found an issue that was preventing me from highlighting Perl code. I noticed that .pl

there is a comment line in the first lines of my file that contains a strange ?

character, as shown in the screenshot below:

enter image description here

The moment I removed this symbol, the whole code became highlighted! So it seems like there was some kind of text encoding issue that prevented Eclipse ho from highlighting the encoding correctly.



You have to right click on the file and then open it with "epic perl editor" then everything will be fine!



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