How to give a continuous number for a serial number column in a table using jquery

I have a table. see table structure

<table width="100%" border="1">
    <td width="2%"><h2># SL NO</h2></td>
    <td width="70%"><h2>Name</h2></td>
    <td width="15%"><h2>Edit</h2></td>
    <td width="13%"><h2>Delete</h2></td>

  <tr id="id0">
    <td >1</td>
        <td><a href="#"><img src="../images/icon_edit.gif" alt="Edit" /></a></td>
    <td width="13%"><a href="#"><img src="../images/delete_07.png" alt="Delete"  onclick="fnDeleteState(0)" /></a></td>
  <tr id="id1">
    <td><a href="#"><img src="../images/icon_edit.gif" alt="Edit" /></a></td>
    <td%"><a href="#"><img src="../images/delete_07.png" alt="Delete"  onclick="fnDeleteState(1)" /></a></td>


... .... ..     

When the delete button is clicked, I need to hide this row, which I used to delete a specific row from the table

$("#id" + i).remove();

Works great. But the serial number ... I'm showing as wrong. That is, when I remove the second line, the serial number on the third line is still 3

I need to display this s 2 and so on ...

I have a way to do this in jquery Thanks in advance


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3 answers

function fnDeleteState(i) {
    $("#id" + i).remove();
    $("tr").each(function (index) { // traverse through all the rows
        if(index != 0) { // if the row is not the heading one
            $(this).find("td:first").html(index + ""); // set the index number in the first 'td' of the row




If I understand correctly, you need to update the first cell of each row so that they reflect the row's rank.

You can achieve this by adding a class for each of your content lines, like "contentrow" (to distinguish them from the title line), and then write a function like this:

function refreshRowIDs(){




You need to change the order of the serial number. after deletion. You can use something like this:

 function reorder(){
   var i = 1;
   $('#tableid tr').each(function() {




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