SQL Server query to find parent names of child

I have a table like this

ID  Name    Mother  Father
1   Sue     NULL    NULL
2   Ed      NULL    NULL
3   Emma    1       2
4   Jack    1       2
5   Jane    NULL    NULL
6   Bonnie  5       4
7   Bill    5       4


and I need the output as below

ID  Name    Mother  Father
3   Emma    sue     ed
4   jack    sue     ed
6   bonnie  jane    jack
7   bill    jane    jack


I tried writing a query with n cte appended but couldn't come up with the logic, can someone please help me


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3 answers

SELECT t.ID, t.Name, m.Name, f.Name
FROM your_table t
INNER JOIN your_table m ON m.ID = t.Mother
INNER JOIN your_table f ON f.ID = t.Father



if you want to include entries without Mother

and / or Father


SELECT t.ID, t.Name, ISNULL(m.Name, 'Orphan') Mother, ISNULL(f.Name, 'Orphan') Father
FROM your_table t
LEFT JOIN your_table m ON m.ID = t.Mother
LEFT JOIN your_table f ON f.ID = t.Father




try something like this:

    p.id, p.name, p1.name as mother, p2.name as father
from people p
inner join people p1 on p1.id = p.mother
inner join people p2 on p2.id = p.father




Select "Request"

SELECT A.*    
FROM tbl A   
    ,tbl M    
    ,tbl F    
WHERE A.Mother = M.ID     
    AND A.Father = F.ID    


without internal connection.



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