Sandbox mode is disabled, but the application is not visible to everyone

I created an app for the page tab and turned on sandbox mode to test it before it goes live. I added some test users to the application so they could test and it all worked as expected.

Now I have sandbox mode disabled for the application, but the application is not displayed , and only the previously added testers can see it. The app icon and link are displayed at the top of the page, but clicking on it just redirects back to the same page.

The sandbox mode setting is definitely showing as "Disabled" and if I have a new test user they should be able to see the app!

I also tested this same process with another application and had the same problem.

Has anyone encountered this before or knew of any Facebook issue at the time that might be causing this?



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1 answer

I had this problem too. I followed Dan Soma's advice and recreated the app without turning on sandbox mode. Of course, my application was visible.

Then I started changing the settings to match my old application. Subsequently, my new application was no longer visible. I realized that one of the settings I toggled / activated was preventing my new app from being visible to non-testers / developers.

This setting was; in my case Age Restrictions

. I have set a value People 18 and older

, although this is not required. I set it back to its default setting Anyone (13+)

and my app was visible again. I suspect your app requires Facebook approval if you have such an age restriction.

You can change it to Settings | Advanced | App Restrictions


If you or anyone else is running into this problem it's worth a look.



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