Vim clears tags after unsuccessful unsuccessful

I am using Vim 7.3 with a lot of plugins, mainly for PHP development. Omnicompletion works well, except for a small glitch I encountered. I'm trying to decide if this is a bug in Vim or a problem with my setup, so here's the situation:

I am using set tags=<files>

to specify the ctags files that I am using.

:set tags=/home/jon/.vimtags.php,/home/jon/project/.vimtags.php


If I then print out the contents of the tags, I get what I expect:

:set tags?


I can also use omnicomplete as usual with <C-x>


. This is until I try to execute something that doesn't exist (i.e. an unknown tag that doesn't return any results). I get the "Pattern not found" error and then, oddly enough, the list of tag files is cleared. If I immediately print out the content of the tags, I get:

:set tags?


I have done a lot of grepping on the Vim plugins that I use, but as far as I can see, none of them set the tag files anywhere.

Can anyone tell me if this is due to something in my setup or a bug in Vim? Or even does anyone else find the same problem?


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1 answer

I can confirm that this is not Vim's default behavior - it is caused by the indexer plugin. For some reason, there was a function that reset tags when omnicomplete failed. I'm going to contact the developer about this and see if he can come up with a solution.



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