How do I make a property bold when displayed in a textarea in jquery?

I need to make part of the text bold when displayed in jquery:

$(':checked').each(function() {
    var $textarea = $('textarea');
    $textarea.val($textarea.val() + $(this).prop('name') + ' = ' + this.value + '\n' );


In the above code, I want to make $ (this) .prop ('name') bold while it is being displayed in textarea.

Please give me suggestion / help

Thanks in advance Ramsai


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2 answers

The text inside the textbox cannot be bold as far as I know because markup is required to make the text bold and the textbox is not rendered (unless you are using a WYSIWYG plugin like Tiny MCE).
You can do something like stackoverflow which has a preview pane where the text is previewed with markup



You cannot change the formatting of individual characters within the display textarea


However, you can use div

(for example) and set its attribute contenteditable

, which allows, for example, to make certain words bold. However, this is much more complicated than textarea




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