Using an interface to apply a method to an ArrayList

I am reviewing the exam. The old test question was this: Using an interface, write a method that applies an arbitrary method to each element of the ArrayList. Parameter and method are method parameters.

Will a workable solution be:

public <object> someMethod() {
    scanner GLaDOS = new (someArray);
    for (i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++) {



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1 answer

I would expect something like this:

// define the interface to represent an arbitrary function
interface Function<T> {
    void Func(T el);

// now the method to apply an arbitrary function to the list
<T> void applyFunctionToArrayList(ArrayList<T> list, Function<T> func){
    // iterate over the list
    for(T item : list){
        // invoke the "arbitrary" function


This is ambiguous in the question, but it could mean returning a new ArrayList, so this could be another acceptable answer

// define the interface to represent an arbitrary function
interface Function<T> {
    T Func(T el);

// now the method to apply an arbitrary function to the list
<T> ArrayList<T> applyFunctionToArrayList(ArrayList<T> list, Function<T> func){
    ArrayList<T> newList = new ArrayList<T>();

    // iterate over the list
    for(T item : list){
        // invoke the "arbitrary" function


On a side note, you are, say, invoking the application, for example (like doubling every number in the list):

ArrayList<Double> list = Arrays.asList(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
ArrayList<Double> doubledList = applyFunctionToArrayList(list, 
  new Function<Double>{
    Double Func(Double x){
        return x * 2;




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