How to create Javadoc with ADT r17

It seems like a lot of problems arise when people update ADT and SDK to the latest r17.
I'm having a problem generating the Javadoc for my Android JAR project that uses the Android Bluetooth library. Using revision r16, the trick below works:

-classpath "C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-sdk/platforms/android-13/android.jar"
-linkoffline "file:/C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-sdk/docs/reference"


But after I upgrade to r17 it happens again. I removed the classpath line because it's already included in r17, but I still got:

error: package android.bluetooth does not exist


error: cannot find symbol .... 


Nobody seems to have asked this question. Can anyone please help?


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2 answers

First make sure you put the correct Android Javadoc location on your Android.jar file ...

If not, follow these steps: -

Right click Project -> Properties -> JavaBuildPath -> Select Libraries tab -> Android XX -> Javadoc Location -> Browse the Javadoc location from the Android install folder (for example file: / C: / # Android Installed Directory / sdk / documents / link /)

Now add the following line to the VM Options text box (on the last page) -bootclasspath C: / # Android Installed Directory / sdk / platform / android-XX / android.jar

Hope this article is helpful to you :-)



Add android.jar (from android-sdk-linux / platform / android-10 / android.jar) to libs folder.

This may solve the issue, but I know it is not the best.



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