Alternative to System.Web.HttpContext.Current when using ProgressBox

I am starting a long process using ProgressBox and in this process im using System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath () method which throws an exception because System.Web.HttpContext.Current is null, is there any method perform the same functions?


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2 answers

you can use

HostingEnvironment.MapPath(string path)





Sitecore.IO.FileUtil.MapPath(string path)


Displays the path of the virtual file to the path of the physical file.

Parameters path - path to the virtual file.

Returned value The physical path to the file.

Remarks If the file path is empty, contains a backslash (), or contains the string ": //", the path is returned.

Example The following example returns the physical name of the file mydata.xml in the data folder. Subsequently, the filename variable stores a value similar to "c: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ default website \ sitecore \ data \ mydata.xml".

string filename = FileUtil.MapPath("/sitecore/data/mydata.xml");




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