Converting a Union Query to a LINQ to Entity Query

Can anyone help me with converting this query to Linq query to objects as appropriate. I am new to Linq and want to write these queries correctly. This is quite in demand for what I am doing with UNION and subqueries in it

SELECT pf.FileID, pf.ServerName, pf.MigrationType 
FROM pOrders pf 
WHERE pf.FileID IN (select GCMFileID FROM Signals
                    where SignalFileID = " + FileID + ")
SELECT pf.FileID, pf.ServerName, pf.MigrationType
FROM pOrders pf 
WHERE pf.FileID = " + FileID + "
order by pf.MigrationType desc



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3 answers

I know I saw the comments ... but

var signalIds = Signals.Where(s => s.SignalFileId = FILEID).Select(x => x.GCMFileID ).ToArray();

pOrders.Where(pf => signalIds.Contains(pf.FileID))
pOrders.Where(pf => pf.FileID == FILEID))
.OrderByDescending(u => u.MigrationType)
.Select(u => new {u.FileID, u.ServerName, u.MigrationType});




var innerquery = from t in db.Signals
                 where t.SignalFileID == FileID
                 select new {t.SignalFieldID};
var query = (from p in db.pOrders
            where p.FieldID.Contains(innerquery.SignalFieldID)
            select new {p.FileID, p.ServerName, p.MigrationType}).Union
            (from p in db.pOrders
            where p.FieldID ==FieldID
            orderby p.MigrationType
            select new {p.FileID, p.ServerName, p.MigrationType})




I know this is an old question, but I decided to add my two cents, hoping I could save some time for someone who thinks that, as I originally did, Union () is the correct method to use.

My first mistake was creating a custom comparator with my entity boolean keys after I encountered my first error that the xml column type cannot be used in isolation. Then Linq to Entities complained that it didn't recognize Union (). I notice the accepted answer for calls to ToArray. This brings all the results of the first query into memory before performing the join. The OP wants Linq for entities, so you need to act on IQueryable. Use Concat. The whole query will run against the database.

var innerquery = (from t in db.Signals
             where t.SignalFileID == FileID
             select t.SignalFileID);
var query = (from p in db.pOrders
        where innerquery.Contains(p.FileID)
        select new {p.FileID, p.ServerName, p.MigrationType})
    .Concat(from p in db.pOrders
        where p.FileID == FileID
        select new {p.FileID, p.ServerName, p.MigrationType})
    .OrderBy(o => o.MigrationType);




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