JQuery Fancybox height / scroll down

I am using fancybox to display specific pages on my site. my problem is i have no idea how i can do this with a fixed height and scroll down to view more content if needed (if the content flows more than a certain fancybox height parameter)

here are my options on the page:

$(document).ready(function() {
    'width'             : 680,
    'height'            : 550,
    'autoScale'         : false,
    'autoDimensions'    : false,
    'scrolling'         : 'no',
    'transitionIn'      : 'none',
    'transitionOut'     : 'none',
    'type'              : 'iframe'


what should I do to make the content stream have a scrollbar for the height? thank.


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3 answers

Edit: Is it the "Scroll: yes" option not working?

Otherwise, I think you can edit / overwrite the Fancybox CSS:

#fancybox-content {
    height: 680px;
    width: 550px;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    overflow: scroll;


Or something like that. I'm doing this for a previous project, but I don't have any code at hand to give you the exact syntax.



You really need to set the option

'scrolling' : 'yes',


This will create scrollbars inside the fancybox so you can view long content.




'autoSize': false



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