VB.NET LINQ - counting a collection in a collection?

Run the following script:

Public Class Store
    Public Overridable Property Areas As List(Of Area)
End Class

Public Class Area
    Public Overridable Property Shelves As List(Of Shelf)
End Class

Public Class Shelf
    Public Property ID as integer
End Class


What's the fastest way to get total store shelves? That is, for the store, I get the total number of areas using Areas.Count

Or do I have to go through each area and count the number of shelves?


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2 answers

In C #:

int count = Store.Areas.SelectMany(x => x.Shelves).Count();


Converted to VB:

Dim count = Store.Areas.SelectMany(Function(x) x.Shelves).Count()


(using an online converter , not a VB guy)



Use this LINQ expression

Dim count As Integer = store.Areas.Sum(Function(a) a.Shelves.Count())


Note that this is different from @ BrokenGlass answer. It first aligns the nested collections with SelectMany

, and then counts the total of the resulting elements, i.e. It iterates over the total number of items. Where when I just iterate over the outer collection and summarize the property of the Count

inner collection. It should be much faster.



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