How do I find the files to be included by the cq: includeClientLib tag?

I am working on JSP in Adobe CQ5. One JSP that I'm not very familiar with has a CQ includeClientLib tag that includes the CQ in the page:

<cq:includeClientLib categories="someCategory"/>


How can I identify / find all the files to be included in this link? Basically, I need to find all the cq: ClientLibraryFolder nodes in the CQ repository that have a "categories" property defined by the value "someCategory". I did a search in Content Explorer and CRXDE Lite but they find all matches for "someCategory" even if they are not client libraries marked with the "categories" property and in my case there are just too many false positives to sift through manually. So I'm looking for a way to filter matches only for those included in this tag.


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1 answer

You can get a list of all the client library information by going to the UR http: // & HOST%:% PORT% / libs / cq / ui / content / dumplibs.html of your target CQ instance. Scroll down to the Category Libraries section to see all the cq: ClientLibraryFolder paths that use each category.

Example: http: // localhost: 4502 / libs / cq / ui / content / dumplibs.html



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