Switch video source on iPad using jQuery

I am trying to use jQuery to switch video playback on iPad by clicking a link. It works fine in the browser, however, when I try to use it on the iPad, it just pauses the video and doesn't load another.

// switch video sources on the fly

}).on('click', '.video-nav a', function(e){

    // pause the current video
    $("#" + $(this).attr("data-video-id"))[0].pause();

    // change the source of the video in question
    $("#" + $(this).attr("data-video-id") + " > source").attr("src", $(this).attr("data-video"));

    // load the new source
    $("#" + $(this).attr("data-video-id"))[0].load();

    // play the new video
    $("#" + $(this).attr("data-video-id"))[0].play();

    // make the button parent "active" by adding it as a class



and this is how I installed the html:

<video id="non" width="444" height="339" controls="true" preload="false" poster="images/image1.png">
                <source src="videos/video1.mp4" type='video/mp4' />

            <div class="video-nav">

                    <li class="active"><a class="fourty-ten-ten" href="#" rel="external" data-video="videos/video1.mp4" data-video-id="non" data-poster="images/image1.png"></a></li>

                    <li><a class="fourty-ten-twenty" href="#" rel="external" src="" data-video="videos/video2.mp4" data-video-id="non" data-poster="images/image2.png"></a></li>



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1 answer

So, for anyone looking, here is the solution to change video source on iPad:

html is configured like this:

<div class="vid-wrapper">
   <video id="video" data-vid="video" controls preload="none">
      <source src="videos/video1.mp4" type='video/mp4' />

   <a data-vid="video1.mp4">&nbsp;</a>
   <a data-vid="video2.mp4">&nbsp;</a>


and jQuery is configured like this:

$(document).on('click', 'a[data-vid]', function(){
        var $this = $(e.target),
            video = $this.attr('data-vid'),
            newVid = $this.siblings('video');

        // pause the current video
        // change the source of the video in question
        newVid.attr('src', 'videos/' + video);
        // load the new source
        // play the new video



Hope this helps anyone in need!



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