Dynamic data binding?

I have multiple fields in a Notes document.

FieldA_1 FieldA_2 FieldA_3 FieldA_4

FieldB_1 FieldB_2 FieldB_3 FieldB_4

On a composite control I have 2 edit fields FieldA FieldB

I have a compositeData.ATM_NUM that defines a custom control that is a dropdown with values ​​1,2,3,4.

How do I bind my control's edit fields to the corresponding document fields using the available composite data?

For example, I wanted to do something like: "FieldA _" + compositeData.ATM_NUM.

I tried the javascript solution in this thread:

Programmatically bind an edit field inside a custom control to a form form

But it didn't work.


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3 answers

Try the following as a value for example. field A:

<xp:inputText value="#{document['FieldA'+compositeData.ATM_NUM]}" />


You can also extend the custom control property to include the fully qualified field name (and thus pass, for example, "FieldA_1" to the custom control). Then you should be able to do the following:

<xp:inputText value="#{document[compositeData.fieldName]}" />




The problem has to do with the time when the composite date is ready for use. Initially, it evaluates to "0" when the user control is ready.

Try the following:

<xp:inputText id="inputText1" 


It is important to use the "$" sign. It will create a binding to SomeField1, SomeField2, etc. Depending on SomeParam.



An example of data binding for a custom control:

Create a custom control, add 2 custom properties: BindTo (String), canEdit (Boolean). Quite often, you need to have a read-only field based on the state of your business logic rather than the fact that others are in edit mode.

 <xp:listBox id="listBox1"
        <xp:selectItem itemLabel="red"></xp:selectItem>
        <xp:selectItem itemLabel="blue"></xp:selectItem>
        <xp:selectItem itemLabel="green"></xp:selectItem>
 <xp:text id="textForListbox"


The advantage of this approach (using ${javascript:"#{"+compositeData.BindTo+"}"}

) is that you can bind this control to everything: document, scope variable, bean, etc.



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