How do you use CFThread in ColdFusion applications?

I'm introducing Concurrency in ColdFusion CFObjective

this year, and I'd like to know how you use CFThread

ColdFusion in your applications.

Also, what problems did you have in use, and how (if at all) did you solve them?

What do you dislike about CFThread


Are you having significant help deficiencies CFThread

or other problems where he just couldn't do what you wanted to do?

Finally, if you want to add Concurrency related to CF not specifically related CFThread

, please tell me.



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1 answer

We have a PDF generation system that needs to populate thousands of PDF forms, combine them and send them to the print system. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

I am using a separate thread to fill out PDF forms. When all threads are running, I merge the results into separate batches of batches of documents.

This way I can create multiple PDFS rather than in sequential order.

Tim Cunningham



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