In Vim, is it possible to open a file in a window with an open section?

Lately I've been using Vim as my editor when programming Ruby, but I don't know if I can do it in Vim. Let's say, in my Vim, I already have two vertical split windows named A

and B

as follows:

split window

And then I clicked gf

to go to the original file xyz.rb

if I put the cursor in the statement require

, but it will appear in the same window A

by default.

Are there any shortcuts or combos that I can open or show the original file xyz.rb

in the split window that opens B

? (and even if the window B

doesn't exist yet, create it automatically)

I checked the manual and it has several ways to show xyz.rb

in another horizontal split window or new tab, but is it possible if I want to show it in the open split window open B




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1 answer

The functionality you are describing is already present in the form of a preview window.

You can map a key (for example gf) to something like

:exec 'pedit ' . expand('<cfile>')


This will open the file name under the cursor in the preview window. A new preview window will open if it doesn't exist. For details see . :he preview-window

Use ^W z(or :pclose

) to close the preview window



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