Selecting an ordered pair of values

I am looking for an implementation of a data structure that will add / output an ordered pair of values. eg.

orderedPair.add(value1, text1)  
orderedPair.add(value1, text2)  
orderedPair.add(value2, text3, data1)  
orderedPair.add(value2, data2)  
orderedPair.add(value1, text5)  


When I get it I want it to return iteratively like

value1, text1  
value1, text2  
value2, text3, data1 and so on.  


LinkedHashMaps or any variants of HashMaps do not work as they only return a key based value and what I am trying to get are value, value pairs. Please note that neither value, text, nor data is unique and I cannot get it based on any keys. Also, I DO NOT want a sorted list, I only want an ORDERED list.

The question is: is there any data structure in Java that can be used for this?

I have not come across anything that serves this purpose. In this case, I am contemplating writing a custom collection that will accomplish this. Any suggestions / help is appreciated.


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2 answers

End the discussion in the comments in response as it seems useful to the OP:

Create class Tuple

which will be your pairs / threes.
Note that this class can be implemented with a fixed number of parameters or as a container that contains a list of objects.

Hold these objects Tuple

in List<Tuple>

and you're done.

You can also implement hashCode()

, equals()

and make it an implementation Comparable

for this class - and you can use it with other collections such as TreeSet

and HashSet




Just use a list map like Treemap

Map<Integer, List<Integer>> content = new Treemap<Integer, List<Integer>>();

if (not content.containsKey(value1)) {
   content.put(value1, new LinkedList<Integer>());


This will be the orderedPair.add feature

Then for output, move the map and for each entry, write out each element of the corresponding list

Since you want it to be ordered, pass the Comparator to the Treemap constructor.



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