Building Quartz.Net on the fly

The job class must implement the Job interface. "I created a simple job with Quartz.Net 1.0.3

  public class SimpleTestJob : IJob
        public virtual void Execute(JobExecutionContext context)
             System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("QuartzTest", "This is a test run");



Then I will try to dynamically add the job above to the Quartz server

I first got the type with reflection

 string jobType = "Scheduler.Quartz.Jobs.SimpleTestJob,Scheduler.Quartz,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null";    

 var schedType= Type.GetType(jobType, false, true);


It works. Then I try to create a JobDetail object

JobDetail job = job = new JobDetail(jobName, groupName, schedType.GetType());


But I am getting an error from the Quartz.Net framework.

"Job class must implement the Job interface."


Please, help


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2 answers

I am using Quartz 1.0.3 compiled with .net 3.5.

But schedType.GetType

a return type with a version 4 RunTime attribute.

Indeed, I don't need to use the GetType function because I have the type I got before

var schedType= Type.GetType(jobType, false, true);


So my fix was

JobDetail job = new JobDetail(jobName, groupName, schedType);




Try removing the virtual keyword and you can also try using the typeof operator where you have schedType.GetType (). I'm not sure if the schedType is defined as var.



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