How to remove the gap between inline-block elements

.item-list {
  letter-spacing: -0.3em;
.item-list a {
  letter-spacing: 0;
  display: inline-block;

<div class="item-list">
  <a href="#">a</a>
  <a href="#">a</a>
  <a href="#">a</a>
  <a href="#">a</a>

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only in win ie6, the gap between a

is still coming out, the style letter-spacing:-0.3em

will be effective if the style is removeda { letter-spacing:0 }

why? can i understand this problem?


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4 answers

Wow, it stuck me out a bit ... believe it or not, here's your answer:

font size: 0; must be added to the parent element

In the case of your example, I would define the font size of the tags separately and add "font-size: 0;" to the parent div

In other words:


.item-list {letter-spacing: -0.3em; font size: 0;}

.item-list a {letter-spacing: 0; display: inline-block; font-size: SOMETHING HIGHER;}

(also your DOCTYPE declaration should be correct or show that inline-block may have problems working in IE, at least I had problems with it in IE7)

This should stop any unnecessary frustration you experience on the display: inline-block;



It has to do with how you print your HTML. Since you format it well in your IDE, a la, with spaces and newlines, those spaces and newlines show up when displayed on the page. Therefore, instead of

<div class="item-list">

    <a href="#">a</a>
    <a href="#">a</a>
    <a href="#">a</a>
    <a href="#">a</a>



enter it as one line and they disappear:

<div class="item-list"><a href="#">a</a><a href="#">a</a><a href="#">a</a><a href="#">a</a></div>




You can add this CSS



Gap will remove



I always use:

    line-height: 2.2; //or whatever value you want


I took from facebook layout and worked great for me



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