Query to convert a table to SQL

My request is below

SELECT SupplierId,StakeholderSupplierId,Percentage
FROM std_Stakeholders    
ORDER BY SupplierId


which gives me the result below

SupplierId        StakeholderSupplierId             Percentage
1                          3175                        68.00
2929                       5504                        25.00
5504                        1                          68.25
5504                       3238                        50.00
5504                       2810                        23.00


I want to convert this output as.

  SupplierId    StakeholderSupplierId1  Percentage  StakeholderSupplierId2  Percentage StakeholderSupplierId3   Percentage
    1                    3175            68.00  
    2929                 5504            25.00
    5504                  1              68.68             3238                50.00                2810            23.00


I've tried using joins and pivots. could not create a correct query to get the desired result. Can anyone help me?

Note. StakeholderSupplierId is not static. it can range from 1 to n


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3 answers

I don't know if this is the solution to your problem (depends on what you need to do after this query), but for problems like this I use a MySQL function GROUP_CONCAT

. For a similar solution in SQL Server, check this question.

With a function, GROUP_CONCAT

you can get the result table like this:

SupplierId    StakeholderSupplierIds  Percentages  
1             3175                    68.00  
2929          5504                    25.00
5504          1, 3238, 2810           68.68, 50.00, 23.00




Well, you can do it with a two-step process, but I equally expect it to be possible with PIVOT

- however, as an example (old-style approach for the last step):

declare @stakeholdersForPivot table
  SupplierId int,
  StakeholderId int,
  StakeholderSupplierId int,
  Percentage decimal(19,2)

; with orderedStakeholders as
  select SupplierId
  , ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by SupplierId order By StakeholderSupplierId) StakeholderId
  ,StakeholderSupplierId, Percentage
  from std_Stakeholders


insert into @stakeholdersForPivot (SupplierId, StakeholderId, StakeholderSupplierId, Percentage)
select SupplierId, StakeholderId, StakeholderSupplierId, Percentage
from orderedStakeholders

select SupplierId
, sum(case when StakeholderId = 1 then StakeholderSupplierId else null end) StakeholderSupplierId1
, sum(case when StakeholderId = 1 then Percentage else null end) Percentage1
, sum(case when StakeholderId = 2 then StakeholderSupplierId else null end) StakeholderSupplierId2
, sum(case when StakeholderId = 2 then Percentage else null end) Percentage2
, sum(case when StakeholderId = 3 then StakeholderSupplierId else null end) StakeholderSupplierId3
, sum(case when StakeholderId = 3 then Percentage else null end) Percentage3
from @stakeholdersForPivot
group by SupplierId
order by SupplierId


Obviously, you should clearly state the maximum number of stakeholder suppliers that you expect from a supplier, but you can renew it as needed.



Here's a query using the "GROUP BY MAX" trick. Should work through databases. The downside is that the column list is static.

    max(StakeholderSupplierId1) AS StakeholderSupplierId1,
    max(percentage1) AS percentage,
    max(StakeholderSupplierId2) AS StakeholderSupplierId2,
    max(percentage2) AS percentage,
    max(StakeholderSupplierId3) AS StakeholderSupplierId3,
    max(percentage3) AS percentage
            CASE WHEN ranking = 1 THEN stakeholdersupplierid END AS StakeholderSupplierId1,
            CASE WHEN ranking = 1 THEN percentage END AS percentage1,
            CASE WHEN ranking = 2 THEN stakeholdersupplierid END AS StakeholderSupplierId2,
            CASE WHEN ranking = 2 THEN percentage END AS percentage2,
            CASE WHEN ranking = 3 THEN stakeholdersupplierid END AS StakeholderSupplierId3,
            CASE WHEN ranking = 3 THEN percentage END AS percentage3
                    rank() OVER (PARTITION BY supplierid ORDER BY percentage DESC) AS ranking
            ) AS t
    ) AS t




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