How can I convert a string to a byte array that is compiled with a given encoding in Go?

In java, we can use the String: byte [] getBytes (charset charset) method. This method Encodes a string into a sequence of bytes using the given encoding, storing the result in a new byte array.

But how do you do this in GO? Is there a similar way in Go can do this?

Please let me know.


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2 answers

The Go standard library only supports Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32) and ASCII encodings. ASCII is a subset of UTF-8.

The go-charset package (found here ) supports conversion to and from UTF-8, as well as links to the iconU library.

See also the field CharsetReader

in encoding / xml.Decoder .



I believe here is the answer: / ...

There is no way to do this without recording the conversion yourself or using a third party package. You can try:



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