Play framework 2.0 - deadLetters instead of an actor

For educational purposes, I am trying to implement a simple replay application that receives data from a remote participant. The code for the actor looks like this:

import{Props, ActorSystem, Actor}

class NumbersServer extends Actor {
  var number = 0
  protected def receive = {
    case 'next => {
      number += 1
    case 'reset => number = 0
    case 'exit => context.stop(self)
    case 'get => sender ! number

object Server {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val system = ActorSystem("ServerSystem")
    val server = system.actorOf(Props[NumbersServer], "server")


I will pack it in a jar and run it from the command line. If I try to send messages to this actor from the Scala console opened from another window, everything works fine. Now I want the actor to move out of the Play box. In the object, Application

I define the following method:

def numbers = Action {


Then in the package models

I define the Client object:

object Client {
  import play.api.Play.current
  val actor = Akka.system.actorFor("akka://ServerSystem@")


File numbers.html.scala


@(message: String)

@main("Header") {


So, I expect that when I go to

, I would get an outline page to the server actor. Instead, I get <h1>deadLetters</h1>

. What am I doing wrong and how should it be done correctly?


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1 answer

Please follow the setup given in!topic/akka-user/Vw-B8nQeagk

And also add the akka-remote dependency

val appDependencies = Seq(
    "com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-remote" % "2.0.2"




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