How do I get all the photos on a fan page using the Facebook API?

I was able to write a PHP application that asks for node access for the FB Fan page admin and then asks for node access to access the fan page itself.

Now I can get all the photos that were posted on the fan page timeline by going to ...

However, I really need pictures that have a fan page tagged. The above url gives me photos that are hosted on the fan page timeline, not the ones that the page is tagged by other users. According to the developer documentation, I could get them by going to ...

Everything seemed to work like this. I received a photo that had a fan page tagged (fan page profile picture). However, I don't get any other photos that have a fan page tagged. I have tried tagging a fan page in my own photos (hosted and tagged by a fan page admin) and tagging a fan page in other people's photos, but I only get one profile photo that has a fan page tagged.

Is this a permission issue or something else? When requesting access tokens, I asked for the following permissions:

  • offline_access
  • read_stream
  • manage_pages

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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