ExtJS :: How to filter rows in a grid, but not store

I have two nets, they have one store. I need to show everything in the first store and special data from that store in the second.

Example: the first store shows every record, the second store shows records with type = 12. How can I filter in a grid and not a store. I need two different grids, not filtering.

If I filter entries in the second grid through the storage, the tie will hide first. I will see it at the same time, and I need to see different data in them at the same time. And I only need one store.


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1 answer

One good way is to override the getRowClass () method of the GridView in a second grid:

    var secondGrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
       viewConfig: {
            getRowClass: function(record, index) {
                if (record.get('type') != '12') {
                    return 'display-false';


Also you must define a CSS class:

.display-false { display: none }


Try this solution!



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