Indexing collection properties with enums in XAML

While it {Binding Path=CollectionProperty[2]}

works fine, I cannot get it to work with an enum, i.e. {Binding Path=CollectionProperty[SomeEnum.Value2]}

... What would be the correct syntax for this, if possible at all? Thank.


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2 answers

Just specify the enum value as a string with no picture. For example. Given:

public enum Foo

public class MainWindowVm
    public string this[Foo foo]
        get { return Enum.GetName(typeof(Foo), foo); }


Specify the enumeration value as follows:

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">


        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=[Value1]}"/>



x: Static markup extension is not required because the XAML parser has built-in support that maps the supplied string to the values ​​supported by the target enum.



Well, I tried binding to a type property Dictionary<Foo, String>

(where Foo

is an enum) like:

{Binding Foos[{x:Static my:Foo.Fizz}]}


... but this resulted in a binding exception at runtime.

Curiously, however, using an int index as an indexer even for properties indexed on an enum seems to work. It:

{Binding Foos[2]}


... worked great. So if you want to represent your enum values ​​as integers in XAML, you can do it this way.

Otherwise, I think it would be best to bind directly to Foos

via a value converter, passing {x:Static my:Foo.Bar}

as the converter parameter.



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