What is an import statement where the filename contains "+"?

I have seen in some source code (by other developers) something like this:

#import "SomeClass+SomeOtherClass.h"


What is +

for? What does it mean?


source to share

2 answers

Let's say you want to add functionality to an existing class (exp:) NSString

. You can do this by creating a subclass or you can use a category. And usually called file, where the category is determined by using a template: MyClass+MyCategory.h


For example, we can add a method reverseString

to a class NSString

in a category:

// File NSString+reversable.h
- (NSString *)reverseString;

// File NSString+reversable.m
- (NSString *)reverseString
    // Implementation


Take a look at the documentation for more information on categories.

Then you can use this category in another class:

#import "NSString+reversable.h"
// ...

NSString *aString = @"Hello!";
NSString *reversedString = [aString reverseString];




The "+" in header / source names is - by convention - used to describe implementations Category



Let's say you want to add some functionality to an existing class (like a class NSString

). ( NSString+Utilities.h


// NSString+Utilities.h

@interface NSString (Utilities)
-(NSString *) doSthWithThisString;


// NSString+Utilities.m

@implementation NSString (Utilities)

-(NSString *) doSthWithThisString
  NSMutableString *transformedStr = [self copy];

  // Do sth

  return transformedStr;




// in another file

#import "NSString+Utilities.h"

- (void)awakeFromNib
    NSString* myString = @"This is a string";

    // you may use our new NSString method as much as any already-existing one
    NSString* newString = [myString doSthWithThisString];





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