ObjectDataSource does not find SelectCountMethod

I am trying to use an ObjectDataSource with paging enabled. This requires me to use SelectCountMethod (so that the grid can know how many pages there are). My ObjectDataSource looks like this:

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ItemsDataSource" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetContentGridItems" 
TypeName="ContentItemExtensions" SelectCountMethod="GetContentGridItemsCount" EnablePaging="True">

    <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="contentItemID" QueryStringField="cid" DbType="Guid" />
    <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="contentTypeID" QueryStringField="tid" Type="String" />
    <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="contentTypeGroup" QueryStringField="tgid" Type="String" />
    <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="parentItemID" QueryStringField="pcid" DbType="Guid" />
    <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="parentFieldID" QueryStringField="pfld" type="String" />


And the corresponding static class looks like this:

public static class ContentItemExtensions
    public static DataTable GetContentGridItems(Guid? contentItemId,string contentTypeID, string contentTypeGroup, Guid? parentItemID, string parentFieldID,int maximumRows, int startRowIndex)  
    public static int GetContentGridItemsCount(Guid? contentItemId,string contentTypeID, string contentTypeGroup, Guid? parentItemID, string parentFieldID)


Everything works fine when I don't use paging, but when I turn on paging, I get the following exception, which clearly states what it needs:

ObjectDataSource 'ItemsDataSource' could not find non-generic GetContentGridItemsCount method that has parameters: contentItemID, contentTypeID, contentTypeGroup, parentItemID, parentFieldID.

My method has this parameter and is not generic, so I have no clue. Can anyone help me?


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1 answer

Your method does not accept the same parameters as the parameter names are case sensitive:

public static int GetContentGridItemsCount(Guid? contentItemId,
    string contentTypeId, string contentTypeGroup,
    Guid? parentItemID, string parentFieldID)


Not the same as:

public static int GetContentGridItemsCount(Guid? contentItemId,
    string contentTypeId, string contentTypeGroup,
    Guid? parentItemID, string parentFieldID)


The first two arguments must end in uppercase D

to match the method that is looking for signatures ObjectDataSource




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