UTF-8 encoding with internet explorer% u20AC to & euro;

I am currently using TinyMCE as my html editor for my CMS users. One way or another, the euro symbol (€) is converted to% u20AC IE (any).

After a short search, I found this . This gives a lot for different encodings for the Euro UTF-8 character, but not% u20AC, with a percent icon.

I gave the correct headers for UTF-8, so I believe IE is just crudely doing things in its own way ...

Is there a PHP function that can catch this weird encoding and put it in a normal htmlentity (hex, decimal or named). I could just have string_replace()

this single symbol of the problem, but I would rather fix all possible conflicts at once.

Or should I just replace %u

with &#x

, disabling the normal use of% u?


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2 answers


- data in Unicode encoding for

, which is generated by the JavaScript function escape()

for UTF8 for server-side processing.

The standard PHP urldecode can't handle this, so you need to use an extended procedure:

 * @param string $str unicode and ulrencoded string
 * @return string decoded string
function utf8_urldecode($str) {
    $str = preg_replace("/%u([0-9a-f]{3,4})/i","&#x\\1;",urldecode($str));
    return html_entity_decode($str,null,'UTF-8');;


Also check if you can customize this behavior for your TinyMCE.




this is the HEX code in euro, so you can solve this problem easily just in your html file instead of usign

try using this code€



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